Kate Lanphear, the former editor in chief of Maxim, has been tapped by Google to lead its Fashion Week search project, reports Women’s Wear Daily. Lanphear has reportedly been lying low since she stepped down at Maxim, but in recent weeks she joined The Editorialist as a contributing editor, and Google’s announcement could mark her reemergence.
According to WWD, the search engine’s project involves producing specific search results during New York Fashion Week; through the project, users will be able to buy items off the runway from designers such as Burberry and Tom Ford:
Starting today, and gradually increasing throughout fashion week, Google’s search capabilities will give users the ability to search photos of fashion week highlights with partners, such as BFA and FirstView, including runway looks, backstage and street-style photos, and front-row and party images. The search option also allows users to search trends and buy directly off the runway from select designers, as well as learn about designers’ inspirations via an experimental feature.
The new product, which will also extend through the European collections, includes a searchable calendar of shows, a feed of relevant stories, and social-media posts from featured designers and influencers.
It’s not quite clear what Lanphear’s role in all this will be, but hey, when has a Google investment ever gone awry?