I get the itch for a new handbag every few months. My favorite designer bags as of late are Michael Kors and Tory Burch and the handbag on my current wish list is the Tory Burch Robinson Tote which is classy, simple, and will never go out of style. There’s a reason why it’s the bag of choice on many fashion bloggers’ arms.
Loving handbags is a pricey little passion of mine and that price tag explains why I don’t just buy them as I please. I like to take advantage of sales and you can find some steep discounts on designer bags when they happen. Last night as I was browsing bags, I came across this little number which is known as the Michael Kors Sutton Satchel. It immediately caught my eye. Because it looked nearly identical to the Tory Burch Robinson bag I had been lusting over. Some may not be a fan of that, but I happen to love it and here’s why: you get the look for a lot less. Take these two for example: Michael Kors Sutton Satchel vs Tory Burch Robinson Tote.
Michael Kors Sutton Medium Saffiano Satchel $328 | Tory Burch Robinson Double-Zip Tote $575
See what I’m saying!? Don’t get me wrong- I love both! But if I want to be ballin’ on a budget, I’ll be just as happy with the Michael Kors. If I want to splurge a little more? Tory burch it is!
Which one is your favorite!?
Please note all opinions are mine alone and have not been requested from the brands being represented.